Common Sprinkler Glitches Every Homeowner Must Know, And When To Call A Plumber

As a homeowner, it’s essential to understand the common sprinkler problems that can occur and may require the expertise of a plumber to fix them. A sprinkler system is an excellent investment for maintaining a lush, green lawn. Thus, you don’t want to have a malfunctioning sprinkler.

Many issues can arise with sprinklers, from leaks and clogged nozzles to broken pipes and faulty valves. By knowing what to look for, you can quickly identify problems and seek the help of a plumbing expert. Continue reading to learn about common sprinkler problems.

Clogged Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler heads are critical in any sprinkler system, as they distribute water evenly across your lawn or garden. However, these heads are prone to clogging due to dirt, debris, and hard water deposits.

When clogged, sprinkler heads may not release water uniformly, resulting in uneven watering. Some areas may receive too much water while others may not, leading to dry spots and dead patches in your lawn or garden. Moreover, clogged sprinkler heads can also cause water to pool around the affected areas, causing soil erosion and water damage.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, at least 50 percent of outdoor water is wasted due to inefficient irrigation methods and systems. It would definitely be wise to seek the assistance of a professional plumber to address clogged sprinkler heads. The pro can also give you tips such as installing a filter or performing regular maintenance to avoid clogging.

Leaking Sprinkler Heads

Leaking sprinkler heads are a common problem. They can be due to wear and tear, damage from lawn equipment or freezing temperatures, or old sprinkler heads.

Leaking sprinkler heads can waste a lot of water, leading to higher water bills. This water wastage can also result in soggy, flooded areas in your lawn or garden, attracting pests and damaging your plants or grass. Moreover, it can also lead to soil erosion and other water damage issues. A professional plumber can help you identify the source of the leak and fix it.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is a common problem that can affect any sprinkler system. It can be from a malfunctioning backflow preventer, clogged valves, or a broken water main. When low water pressure occurs, your sprinkler system may not distribute water evenly, leading to dry spots in your lawn or garden.

Low water pressure in sprinkler systems may be due to a malfunctioning backflow preventer. This device prevents contaminated water from flowing back into the main water supply. If the backflow preventer is not functioning correctly, it can restrict the water flow to your sprinkler system, leading to low water pressure.

Another cause of low water pressure in sprinkler systems is blocked valves. Over time, valves can become clogged with dirt, debris, or hard water deposits, restricting water flow. It can lead to low water pressure in your sprinkler system, affecting its performance.

Finally, a broken water main can also cause low water pressure in your sprinkler system. It can happen due to aging pipes, ground movement, or other external factors that damage the water main. It is advisable to seek the assistance of a specialist to diagnose low water pressure in your sprinkler system.

Overspray or Underspray

Overspray and under spray are common problems in sprinkler systems that happen when the sprinkler heads are not well-adjusted. Overspray occurs when the water from the sprinkler head distributes beyond the area it is to cover, while under spray happens when the water does not reach the intended area, resulting in dry spots.

Overspray and under spray can lead to a waste of water, increased water bills, and uneven watering. If left unchecked, these issues can also damage plants and grass, causing soil erosion and flooding your lawn.

A plumbing technician can adjust the sprinkler heads to ensure water evenly distributes. In addition, the expert can also help you choose the right type of sprinkler heads for your lawn or garden. Different sprinkler heads exist for varying areas, and selecting the right one can help you avoid overspray or under spray issues.

Broken Pipes

Broken pipes are a common problem in sprinkler systems that can occur due to various reasons such as freezing temperatures, accidental damage, wear, and tear, or tree roots that grow into the pipes. When a sprinkler pipe breaks, it can cause water to leak out and pool in your lawn or garden, leading to soil erosion, flooded areas, and damage to your plants or grass.

If you notice water pooling in your lawn or a decreased water pressure, it could be a sign of a broken sprinkler pipe. In such cases, it is essential to call a professional plumbing technician to locate the damaged sprinkler pipe and repair it promptly to prevent further water damage.

Pump Buzzing

If you notice the pump is buzzing, your sprinkler’s relay system is faulty. The relay system is a magnetic switch, and its work is to activate the system. It affects the sprinkler head when it malfunctions, hence, the audible buzzing noise. You should reach out to a pro as soon as the buzzing begins.

Contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Of Prescott For Expert Sprinkler System Repair

If you’re experiencing any common sprinkler problems mentioned, don’t hesitate to contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott.

Our team of expert plumbers can help diagnose and repair any issues with your sprinkler system to ensure it’s working efficiently and effectively. Call today to schedule an appointment and keep your lawn and garden looking its best.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, being aware of these common sprinkler problems and seeking the assistance of a professional plumbing technician can help you maintain an efficient and effective sprinkler system.

Letting these issues go unnoticed can lead to higher water bills, wasted water, and an unhealthy lawn or garden. Seeking help will keep your sprinkler system running smoothly and enjoy a lush and vibrant landscape all season long.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Find out our service area here.

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A Plumber's Guide On Tips To Maintain A Water Softener In Your Home

A Plumber‘s Guide On Tips To Maintain A Water Softener In Your Home

Water softeners are essential appliances that help protect your plumbing system and increase the lifespan of your appliances. If you have one installed in your home, you know how much you rely on it to provide clean, mineral-free water. Over time, water softeners can start to malfunction, leading to hard water flowing through your plumbing, causing damage to pipes, appliances, and fixtures. That’s why it’s important to maintain your water softener regularly to keep it functioning efficiently. This guide will discuss various tips to help you maintain your water softener and why it is important to involve a professional plumber.

Check the Water Pressure

Regularly checking the water pressure is an essential part of water softener maintenance. High pressure can damage your water softener and other plumbing fixtures, pipes, and appliances. Water softeners are designed to operate best at 20 and 125 psi, so it is good to ensure the water pressure in your home falls within this range. To check the water pressure, use a pressure gauge, which can be found in your local hardware store. If you notice the water pressure is consistently high, call a plumber to install a pressure regulator. A pressure regulator will protect your home’s water softener, fixtures, and other appliances.

Clean the Resin Bed Regularly

If your water softener is not operating as it should, it might be time to check and clean the resin bed. The resin bed is an essential part of your water softener with the role of removing minerals from the water. Over time, the resin bed can become clogged with minerals, reducing its efficiency. With regular cleaning, you can prevent it from clogging.

The frequency of cleaning the resin bed depends on different factors, such as the size of the resin tank, water hardness, and the type of resin used. Mostly, manufacturers recommend cleaning the resin bed once or twice a year.

Testing Your Water

Hiring a plumbing professional to test your water regularly can help ensure your water softener is in good condition. Hard water causes mineral buildup in the resin bed, which over time, reduces the water softener’s effectiveness. By having your water tested regularly, you can monitor the water hardness level and take the necessary measures to ensure your water softener is not affected.

Furthermore, testing your water will enable you to identify issues such as high iron levels, debris, and other contaminants. If the issues are not carefully addressed, they can damage your plumbing. Ensure your water is tested by an expert at least once a year or more frequently if there is a change in your water smell, taste, or color.

Clean the Area Around the Water Softener

If a plumber does not inspect your water softener regularly, dirt and debris can accumulate around it, interfering with its operation. Cleaning the area around the unit will prevent dirt and debris from accumulating and keep your water softener in good condition. Ensure the area around the water softener is debris-free. In addition, ensure the area is well-ventilated and free from any obstructions that can interfere with the unit’s operation.

Inspecting the Brine Tank

Inspecting the brine tank is another essential part of water softener maintenance. The brine tank holds the salt and water solution needed to regenerate the resin bed in the water softener. With time, the brine tank can become clogged, reducing the efficiency of the water softener. So, you should have the brine tank checked regularly by a plumbing professional to ensure it is clean.

When inspecting the tank, your professional will check for any signs of buildup or salt that may have accumulated at the bottom of the tank. Also, they will check the brine level to ensure there is adequate salt and water in the tank for your water softener to regenerate well. If there are any issues with the brine tank, get a plumbing expert to fix them.

Hire a Professional for Regular Maintenance

There are many benefits to hiring a professional to maintain your water softener. Professional maintenance helps identify any issues with your water softener and address them before they worsen. You should avoid the DIY approach as you might damage your unit in the process.

When you hire a plumbing professional, they will keenly check the components of the water softener and do all the required repairs and replacements. By hiring an expert, you will have the peace of mind that your water softener is in good condition, which will help you save money on water and energy bills. Moreover, regular maintenance can increase your water softener’s lifespan, saving you money on repairs.

Have your water softener inspected at least once a year and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance. By taking care of your water softener, you can enjoy clean water for years.

Maintain the Overflow Hose

An overflow hose is an essential component of a water softener. It prevents flooding and water damage in the event of an overflow or malfunction. The hose is built to divert excess water from the water softener to an appropriate location.

A plumber should inspect the overflow hose regularly to ensure it is free from any leaks, cracks, and other damage. Also, ensure the overflow hose is well connected to the water softener and directed to a functional drain. Regularly inspecting and maintaining the overflow hose will protect the water softener from any potential water damage and increase its lifespan.

Call Us for Professional Water Softener Maintenance

To enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained water softener, ensure it is maintained at least once or twice a year. A well-maintained water softener will ensure your water is soft and safe for drinking. If you need your water softener regularly maintained, hire Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott today. We have professionals with the right tools and experience to maintain your water softener. Also, if your water softener needs replacement, call our experts.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By Marcel Derweduwen at Shutterstock

Signs You Need Drain Cleaning Service and Maintenance

Signs You Need Drain Cleaning Service and Maintenance

We don’t always think about it, but our plumbing system is hard at work every day. Each time you shower, wash a cup or flush a toilet, your drains carry unwanted wastewater out to the city sewer system. If your drains develop a problem, however, like a clog, you might need professional plumbing maintenance. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott features certified plumbers who specialize in residential and commercial plumbing solutions. Whether your drains need cleaning or repair, we can help. Our plumbing pros are experienced and known for their friendly service. You might need to give us a call if you notice the following drain problems.

Something Smells

Smelly drains mean that there’s something rotting in your pipe. Typically, it’s food debris that has gotten stuck in a bend or dip in your plumbing system. It might be caught up in grease or soap residue. Biofilm can also cause unpleasant smells. Biofilm is a combination of soap residue and bacteria that can coat your drain pipe. Whether the odor stems from rotting food, biofilm, or some other waste that’s stuck in your pipe, you can benefit from a professional drain cleaning service.

Using household cleaning products won’t dislodge the smelly muck that’s stuck in your drain pipe. These products might mask the odors–for a while, but a professional drain cleaning service removes this debris that may be coating the interior of your pipes. Hydro jetting washes away grease, biofilm, and other icky buildups that can cause odors to seep back into your home.

Slow Drain

A slow drain usually means that there is a clog forming in your drain pipe. Typical clogs involve food debris, grease, hair, or toiletries. This debris shouldn’t be in your drain system, but a bit here and there often does make its way there. Over time, a bit of this and that can add up to a serious clog. If you find that you have a slow drain or several slow drains, it’s a good idea to have your plumbing system inspected and your drains professionally cleaned. We can eliminate your slow drain problem and ensure your drains function smoothly again.


If you have a blockage in one of your drains or you find that clogs occur frequently, you should schedule a drain cleaning service. Frequent clogs are a sign that you have a lot of buildup in your drain pipe or several pipes. Snaking a drain can clear a clog, but it doesn’t scour the pipe. It pushed debris out through the pipe in order to open the pipe up, but buildup often remains. Within a relatively short period of time, you might find that another clog occurs.

By removing all the buildup with a service like hydro jetting, you can prevent those frequent clogs. Preventing blockages isn’t just for your own convenience; blockages can cause undue wear and tear on your pipes. Clogs put pressure on the seams of pipes. A big clog can damage your pipe, causing leaks or a rupture. Making cleaning your drains part of your plumbing system maintenance plan. We can clean your drains annually or as needed.

Gurgling Sounds

If you hear gurgling noises coming from your drain or drains, you probably have a clog developing. These noises might indicate that there’s a clog forming in a drain pipe or, possibly, even in your sewer line, which is a large drain pipe that connects all of your home’s drains to the sewer system.

It’s not a good idea to ever ignore gurgling. That developing clog can turn into a full blockage with wastewater backup. If you hear gurgling coming from your tub, sink, or even your toilet, be sure to give us a call. We can clear blockages and clean your drains in order to remove clog-causing buildup.

Wastewater Backing Up into Your Home

Wastewater backups are the worst! They’re messy, and they can damage your flooring and walls. The water can also harbor dangerous pathogens, so always wear protection when you clean up these messes. Wastewater backups usually occur when there’s a clog. The water can’t go out to the sewer system, so it has to come back up–often through a floor drain.

In some areas that are prone to heavy rains, city sewer systems can become overwhelmed; when this happens, wastewater can come back up the drain system into homes, but that’s not a problem in our area. Clogs, however, are. If you have wastewater backing up into your house, you need our maintenance solutions–clog clearing and drain cleaning service. And you probably need them fast! Fortunately, we offer 24-hour emergency plumbing service for situations like this.

Damaged Pipes

Cleaning your drains will not address issues where a pipe is damaged. A damaged pipe can also stop a drain. When you contact us for a clog or slow drain, we’ll troubleshoot the issue. If you have pipes that need repair or replacing, our experienced plumbers can tackle the job. When you contact us to clean your drains, we can also perform an inspection at the same time if you choose, helping you keep your entire plumbing system in good functioning condition.

With routine plumbing maintenance, you can often head off messy problems–and certainly, reduce them in number. Our plumbers will bring everything needed to clean or maintain your drains and plumbing system. If we notice anything out of order or potentially problematic, we’ll report back to you.

Call us to schedule your plumbing maintenance and cleaning today. Spring is a great time to have your drains scoured.

Our plumbers are known for their excellent workmanship and friendly service. Plus, our company has a reputation for fair pricing and standing by the quality of our work. If you need plumbing maintenance or repairs, you can rely on Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By New Africa at Shutterstock

Signs You Need Drain Cleaning Service and Maintenance

Signs You Need Drain Cleaning Service and Maintenance

Do you notice a decrease in water pressure in your home? Well, the culprit might be your water softener. Hard or unfiltered water can damage appliances or pipes over time; hence, homeowners use water softeners to prevent this. However, low water pressure could indicate that your water softener is not functioning correctly, which can be frustrating but fixable. So, in this blog post, we shall delve into what causes low water pressure in softeners and how a plumber can help solve this issue.

An Undersized Water Softener Tank

The water softener installed in your home should be the right size. If the water from your shower head and faucets has dropped significantly, contact a plumber to check the softener. A water softener works by removing minerals from your water, helping increase the performance of your plumbing system. If it is undersized, it won’t keep up with the demand for softened water in your home, which can reduce the water pressure. This will cause your appliances and fixtures to struggle, increasing their wear and tear.

A correctly sized water softener should not cause a water pressure drop of more than 15 PSI. The only way to solve the issue is by hiring a plumbing professional to install a properly sized water softener. If you continue using the same undersized water softener, you will still experience the same low water pressure issues.

Normal Softener Pressure Reduction

It is normal for a water softener to reduce pressure to a certain level. Even if the system is well-sized for your home, it won’t allow water to flow into your home at high pressure. Water must flow through the sediment filter and resin tank, which can reduce pressure – but it should not drop around 7 PSI. If your home has a well-sized unit but you are still experiencing low water pressure, try increasing the water pressure. If you continue experiencing the same issue, call an expert for help.

Clogged Resin Bed

The resin bed is a vital water softener component that removes hard water minerals from your water. Over time, it can get clogged with mineral deposits, which can minimize the flow rate of water through the water softener. When the resin bed is clogged, it becomes hard for the water softener to keep up with the softened water demand in your home. This will reduce the efficiency of your plumbing appliances and fixtures. If you suspect the softener’s resin bed is clogged, have it checked by a plumbing professional? They will diagnose the issue and recommend the best solution, which may involve cleaning or replacing the resin bed.

Escaped Resin

Mostly, this problem is common in old and defective water softeners. In these models, resin beads eventually degrade to the point where they break off and get into the water supply pipes, clogging your fixtures. This causes the water pressure to drop at certain locations. To solve this issue, you will need a plumbing expert to clean the fixtures and flush the pipes. Also, the resin should be replaced once it reaches its expected lifespan so you can enjoy continuous access to soft water.

A Clogged Sediment Filter

Water softeners are fitted with filters that help capture sediment, dirt, and other debris in the water before they enter the water softener. Over time, the particulates can accumulate in the filter, causing it to be clogged and restricting the water flow. This will reduce the amount of softened water produced by the system. That’s why it is good to have the filter cleaned or replaced regularly by a plumbing professional.

If your home’s water supply has excess iron overwhelming the sediment filter and the water softener, consider hiring a plumber to install a whole-house water filtration system to address the contaminant.

Automatic Regeneration Cycles

Your home can experience low water pressure if the water softener is regenerating or stuck in an automatic regeneration cycle. During the regeneration process, the water softener goes offline, and the resin bed is flushed with salt water to remove all the accumulated minerals. The process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the size and type of your water softener.

While the water softener regenerates, your home’s water supply will be interrupted, resulting in low water pressure. If you use water during the regeneration process, you will notice a decrease in water pressure or sometimes a temporary interruption in the water supply.

To reduce the impact of regeneration on your home’s water pressure, schedule the regeneration when water usage is low, such as at night or early in the morning. Moreover, invest in a water softener with a more efficient regeneration cycle that uses less salt and water. Still, a plumbing professional can help you choose a modern water softener with improved features that allow for regeneration based on your water usage.

Clogged Pipes In or Out of the Water Softener

Lastly, clogged water pipes leading to or from the water softener can cause the water pressure in your home to drop. A clog in one of the pipes that connect to the main water line can restrict the water flow, leading to low pressure. To solve this issue, contact a plumber to flush the pipes. If the blockage has damaged the pipes, they will need to be replaced.

Call Us Today

Due to its vital role in your home, your water softener needs to be serviced regularly by a professional. Regular servicing will ensure it meets its expected lifespan, usually 10-15 years. If you suspect your water softener is experiencing an issue reducing water pressure, avoid fixing it yourself. Instead, call the experts at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott, and we will help you. If your home needs a new water softener, our experts will inspect your home and help you get the right model. Contact us today to get started.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By Lineas 1703 at istock


Unveiling the Perks of Water Filtration System Installation: Expert Insights from a Leading Plumbing Company

Water is essential for our health and well-being. Without it, we would struggle to survive. We need water to stay hydrated, to cook, and to bathe. However, it is important to know that your water may contain contaminants that can harm your health. Hiring a professional plumbing company to install a water filtration system is a safe and affordable solution to ensure your home has fresh water.

A filtration system will remove contaminants and minerals from the water, making it safe and healthy to consume. In addition, it can help protect your plumbing and appliances from damage.

Investing in a filtration system is a wise decision that can save you money in the long run and provide you with healthy, pure water for your needs. There are numerous advantages of having purer water. Here are a few of the main ones.

Access to Safe Drinking Water

Access to clean, safe drinking water is essential for protecting your health and the health of your family. Unfortunately, system failures in municipal water systems can lead to contamination and other issues that can be dangerous to your health. Installing a water filtration system in your home is a great way to ensure your drinking water is safe and free from contaminants.

The filtration system will work to remove unwanted impurities such as heavy metals, bacteria, and other contaminants that may be present in your drinking water. This way, you can be sure that your family is safe from water-borne illnesses and other health risks associated with contaminated drinking water.

Saves Money

Installing a water filtration system at home can provide several benefits, including cost savings. With clean drinking water available at your taps, you will not have to purchase bottled water, which can be expensive over time. Additionally, drinking contaminated water can cause health issues that require costly medication.

Pets can also benefit from the use of filtered water. You may need more cleaning products to groom and feed pets using hard water, leading to higher care bills. Furthermore, hard water can cause fading of clothes, and you may need to replace them more often. You can avoid these expenses with a water filtration system, resulting in overall cost savings.

Protects the Environment

Bottled water is a convenient way to access clean water, but disposable plastic bottles damage the environment. Despite the best efforts to properly dispose of them, most plastics end up as trash in oceans and green spaces.

Reducing the number of single-use plastic bottles can help preserve wildlife and the environment. Installing water filtration systems from a trusted plumbing company is an effective way to do this.

Not only does this provide more clean water, but it also eliminates the need for single-use plastic bottles, which can dramatically reduce the amount of plastics in waterways. It is an easy and effective way to reduce the environmental impact while enjoying clean water’s benefits.

Prolonged Plumbing and Appliance’s Lifespan

A water filtration system can be beneficial in the long run, safeguarding your plumbing and appliances. Unfiltered water may contain sediments that can build up in your faucets, washing machine, or dishwasher, decreasing efficiency. If the deposits accumulate, they can cause them to work harder and can strain important components, resulting in high energy consumption.

Eventually, appliances can fail, requiring costly repairs or replacements. Additionally, unfiltered water may contain heavy metals and minerals that can corrode and damage your pipes, resulting in leaks. Installing a water filtration system can help avoid these unpleasant and inconvenient issues.

Improves Water Taste

If the water from your tap has an unpleasant taste, it could be due to high levels of chlorine, dissolved solids, or corroded copper pipes. This can result in a bitter, sour, or salty taste. It is important to filter out the contaminants causing the unwanted flavors to improve the taste of your tap water.

By doing so, you can eliminate chemicals, microorganisms, and other pollutants, improving the taste of the water. This allows you to drink more of it, which is beneficial for proper hydration and overall health. Additionally, filtering your water can make your food taste better when you use it for cooking and other recipes.

Prevent Plumbing Issues

Water that flows into your home through your pipes and appliances can contain some chemicals, minerals, or heavy metals, which can cause corrosion and damage. You can avoid this by hiring an experienced plumbing company expert to install a water filter system in your home.

This will soften the water and remove any sediments and impurities that could harm your plumbing system, hot-water heaters, and other household appliances. By filtering the water before it enters your home, you can help prolong the lifespan and improve the efficiency of your pipes and appliances.

Promotes Healthy Hair And Clear Skin

Drinking contaminated water can harm your health, but bathing and showering in it can be just as detrimental. Substances such as chlorine, even at safe levels, can cause skin irritation and dryness.

A water filtration system can reduce the amount of minerals in the water and make your skin more hydrated. This, in turn, helps to keep your skin smooth and glowing. Additionally, filtered water is healthier, allowing you to stay hydrated and reap the benefits of increased skin health. Talking to your local plumbing company to install a water filter system in your home can save you from the health hazards of bathing and showering in contaminated water.

Schedule An Appointment Now

If you want to install a home water filtration system, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott can help. Our certified technicians have the experience and knowledge to find the best solution for your needs.

We offer 24/7 service, so don’t hesitate to get in touch. Get the best water filtration system and enjoy clean, safe drinking water. Contact us today!


To sum it up, installing a water filtration system can be a great investment for any household. It ensures access to clean drinking water, improves the taste of tap water, and cuts costs from bottled water. Moreover, knowing the water supply is safe from contaminants provides peace of mind.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By kuppa_rock at istock

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