A Guide For Finding A Good Plumber Near Me | Prescott, AZ

Being a homeowner in Prescott, AZ can be an extremely exciting experience. It gives you more freedom and privacy. However, it also comes with some challenges and responsibilities. For example, as a homeowner, you need to keep an eye on your plumbing system to ensure it is always performing at the top level. In other words, you have to take care of your drainage system, water heater, and other components of your plumbing system and ensure that any plumbing situations are addressed promptly and competently.

However, unless you’re a professional plumbing contractor, you should fight any temptation to try DIY plumbing installations, maintenance, and repairs. As such, you need to have a professional plumber to help you handle any plumbing situation you might run into. However, if you do not have a reliable plumber near me yet, finding one can be very hard. This is because although there are a lot of plumbers in town, many of them lack what it takes to handle complex plumbing situations, offer timely responses to plumbing emergencies, and offer quality services.

This guide provides the steps you can take to improve your odds of finding a good plumber.

Consult the Internet and Your Network

If you are a new homeowner in Prescott, AZ, or you have never needed to hire a plumber near me, you might be wondering where to start your search for a trustworthy plumbing contractor. The good news is that you can simply take your computer or smartphone, go to your favorite browser, and search for a plumber near me. Alternatively, you can ask your friends, neighbors, or workmates to refer you to the plumbing contractors they know. This way, you will manage to create a list of the residential plumbing contractors you can potentially hire. However, you should not just trust a plumbing service simply because they have been recommended by a person you know. Instead, you should do your research to get more information about the plumbers on your list to make an informed choice.

Check Customer Reviews

Once you have created a list of the plumbers you can consider hiring, you should start finding out what other people have to say about them. To this end, you need to go to online customer reviews platforms, such as Google Business Profile, Yelp, and Better Business Bureau. Here, you will find reviews and ratings awarded by the people the plumbers have interacted with in the past.

While it is hard to find a perfect business without some critical reviews, you should generally be wary of plumbers who have received so many negative reviews that their overall rating is below average. Therefore, although online business reviews should be taken with a pinch of salt, they can go a long way in helping you take note of the plumbers with a bad reputation. If you settle for a poorly rated plumber near me, there is a good chance that you will also be left disappointed.

Check Licensing

Plumbing contractors are regulated by local authorities. This is because allowing unqualified persons to offer professional plumbing services would pose safety concerns to people and buildings. Therefore, plumbers need to undergo years of training and pass a series of tests to prove that they are competent enough.

Those who qualify receive the licenses that allow them to legally offer professional plumbing services in and around the city. If you make the mistake of settling for an unlicensed plumber near me, you could end up receiving substandard services. Besides, hiring an unlicensed plumber would effectively void any service warranties your plumbing infrastructure has.

Therefore, before you can decide to hire a particular plumber near me in Prescott, AZ, you need to demand to see their license. If a plumber is unwilling to show you their license or you have a reason to doubt if they are licensed, you should not take the risk of allowing them to lay their hands on your plumbing system.

Check Insurance

Plumbing jobs can sometimes be risky. For example, if the job at hand involves repairing a solar-powered water heater or accessing an overhead tank, it might put the person doing it at risk of sustaining serious fall injuries. Similarly, some plumbing jobs might put your home in danger. For example, accessing a pipe that is buried within the wall or slab foundation can potentially damage your home’s structure.

Good plumbing companies expect such risks and prepare themselves by being adequately insured. This means that you will not be held financially liable in the event of injuries or property damage if you choose to hire a licensed plumber near me. Therefore, insurance is one of the most important things to consider when shopping for a plumber. If a plumbing contractor is uninsured, hiring them will be too risky for you, and you should avoid hiring them.

Ask About Warranties

Even competent plumbers are human beings, and they can make mistakes. Therefore, they may fail to meet your expectations. As such, you need to protect yourself from the possibility of receiving substandard services by demanding quality guarantees. A good plumber near me will be willing to offer a warranty for the services offered.

Therefore, before you can allow a plumber to lay their hands on your plumbing system, you need to ask if you will get a warranty. If a plumber near me is unwilling to offer a warranty, you should just walk away since hiring them will be too risky for you.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, when you are shopping for a plumber, you need to do thorough research to minimize the risk of hiring an incompetent person and receiving substandard services. If you are looking for a dependable plumber near you, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott is an excellent choice. We have been providing residential plumbing services for a long time, and we are a household name in our community. Call us today to learn more about our company and services.

Photo By Blue Planet Studio at Shutterstock