Unveiling the Secrets of Expansion Tanks: A Comprehensive Guide

Unveil the essentials of expansion tanks with our in-depth guide, designed to clarify their crucial role in home plumbing and heating systems. Learn how these vital components manage the increased pressure due to thermal expansion, safeguarding your infrastructure from potential damage. 

Discover various types of expansion tanks, how to select the right one for your needs, and gain valuable maintenance tips to keep your systems running optimally. Whether you’re a homeowner or a professional, this guide provides the insights you need to maintain a safe and efficient environment.

You’ve probably heard the term “expansion tank” thrown around, especially if you’re a homeowner dealing with your plumbing system. 

But what exactly is it, and why is it so important for your home? In this article, we’ll demystify the expansion tank, shedding light on its essential role in your household plumbing and heating systems.

In this article, we will explore the concept of expansion tanks in depth. You’ll learn what an expansion tank is, why it’s vital for your plumbing and heating systems, and how it works to protect your home from potential damage. 

We’ll also delve into the different types of expansion tanks, how to choose the right one for your home and provide essential maintenance tips to ensure your system runs smoothly.


A Modern Electric Boiler Room: Equipment for a Modern Heating System including a Boiler, Heater, Pipes, Expansion Tank, and Other Components by Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Prescott, AZ
Photo from iStock – Credit: olegkalina

A Detailed Explanation of Expansion Tanks

An expansion tank is a vital component in your home’s plumbing and heating systems. 

Its primary role is to accommodate the thermal expansion of water as it heats up, preventing your system’s pressure from reaching dangerous levels. This small, but crucial, device is typically installed in the line of the water heater or closed-loop heating system to absorb excess pressure and prevent damage to your pipes and fixtures.


The image of a woman Thinking about Expansion Tanks with white background.
Photo from iStock – Credit: PIKSEL

What is an Expansion Tank?

An expansion tank, often a key element in your home’s plumbing architecture, is engineered to manage the elevated pressure and volume shifts in water when it’s subjected to heat. This mechanism isn’t just a luxury but a necessity, particularly integral to the functionality of any closed-loop heating system or water heater configuration. 

Its role? To act as a safeguard against potential damages that could arise from undue pressure accumulations.

Imagine turning on your water heater without this component in place. As the water heats up and expands, without a proper outlet or buffer, the pressure would mount within the pipes. 

Over time, this could lead to a range of issues, from minor leaks to catastrophic system failures. Here’s where the expansion tank steps in, providing a designated space for this excess water to flow into, thus neutralizing the pressure levels within the system.

This apparatus isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s available in various types, such as the bladder and diaphragm expansion tanks. 

The bladder expansion tank features a balloon-like bladder that accommodates the expanded water, while the diaphragm tank includes a rubber diaphragm that separates the water from a pocket of air. Both designs aim to mitigate the risks associated with thermal expansion in heating systems.

Moreover, the significance of the expansion tank extends beyond just pressure regulation. It’s a critical player in maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your heating system. By counteracting the effects of thermal expansion, it prevents undue stress on pipes and fixtures, which can lead to wear and tear over time.

In the context of an HVAC system or a hydronic heating system, the expansion tank’s role is just as pivotal. It ensures that the system operates within safe pressure limits, thus safeguarding components like the boiler expansion tank or the cooling system reservoir from operational hazards.

Whether it’s a radiant heat system tank, a glycol system tank, or a standard water heater tank, the expansion tank is an indispensable component. 

Its presence is a testament to thoughtful engineering, designed to ensure that your home’s heating and plumbing systems remain robust, efficient, and, most importantly, safe.

Understanding Thermal Expansion

The Science of Water Expansion

When water is heated, it undergoes a physical transformation that increases its volume—a phenomenon known as thermal expansion. This is a fundamental principle of physics; as water molecules heat up, they begin to move more vigorously, pushing against each other and causing the water to expand. 

In a closed plumbing or heating system, this expansion has to go somewhere, and without the proper measures, it could lead to increased pressure within the system.

Risks of Ignoring Thermal Expansion

If thermal expansion is not addressed, the pressure within your system can escalate to dangerous levels. This can result in several problems, from the minor inconvenience of leaky faucets to severe issues like burst pipes or a damaged boiler expansion tank. 

The risk is particularly pronounced in closed-loop heating systems, where there is no open outlet for excess water or pressure to escape.

Role of the Expansion Tank

This is where the expansion tank, a critical component of your plumbing and heating systems, comes into play. 

Acting as a pressure relief valve, it provides a space for the expanded water to flow, thereby alleviating pressure within the system. Think of it as a buffer or a cushion that absorbs the excess, ensuring the integrity and longevity of your plumbing infrastructure.

How the Expansion Tank Works

Within the expansion tank, there’s a division—either a rubber diaphragm or a bladder—that separates the water from a pocket of air. 

As the water expands, it pushes against this diaphragm or bladder, compressing the air on the other side. This action balances the pressure, preventing any drastic increase within the system. It’s a dynamic process that keeps your system within safe operational limits, whether it’s part of a residential water heater tank or a more complex hydronic heating system.

Importance Across Various Systems

The utility of the expansion tank extends across various setups—be it an HVAC system component, a boiler expansion tank, or a component within a radiant heat or glycol system tank. Its role is universal: to mitigate the potential adversities caused by thermal expansion. 

By ensuring that your system incorporates a well-functioning expansion tank, you’re not just safeguarding the pipes and machinery but also ensuring the efficiency and durability of the entire system. Whether it’s a diaphragm expansion tank or a bladder expansion tank, understanding and maintaining this component is crucial for the health of your plumbing and heating systems.


Types of Expansion Tanks

Diaphragm Expansion Tanks

Diaphragm expansion tanks are one of the most common types found in residential and commercial plumbing systems. 

In these tanks, a heavy-duty rubber diaphragm divides the tank into two compartments. One side holds water from the system, while the other contains compressed air. 

The primary advantage of this design is its ability to maintain a separation between the water and air, preventing waterlogging and corrosion within the tank. This design ensures that the system operates efficiently and extends the tank’s lifespan.

Ideal Use Cases for Diaphragm Tanks

Diaphragm tanks are particularly beneficial in systems where there is a need for stable and consistent absorption of expanded water. 

They are often used in boiler expansion tank systems and HVAC components, providing a reliable solution for managing thermal expansion. Their robust design makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, from small residential systems to larger commercial settings.

Bladder Expansion Tanks

Bladder expansion tanks feature a different design, where a balloon-like bladder inside the tank holds the expanded water. 

This bladder is fully enclosed, usually made of durable materials like butyl rubber, and it expands and contracts according to the water pressure. The clear advantage of bladder tanks is their ability to completely isolate the water from the tank’s walls, minimizing the risk of corrosion and enhancing the system’s overall reliability.

Advantages in Specific Systems

Bladder tanks are an excellent choice for systems requiring a high level of cleanliness and minimal contact between the water and tank materials. They are often favored in potable water systems or in applications where water purity is a concern. 

Additionally, bladder expansion tanks are used in specific HVAC system components, closed-loop heating systems, and radiant heat system tanks, offering a clean and efficient solution for managing thermal expansion.

Choosing the Right Type

Selecting between a diaphragm and bladder expansion tank depends on several factors, including the specific requirements of the system, the desired maintenance level, and longevity expectations. 

While diaphragm tanks offer robustness and simplicity, bladder tanks provide superior separation and cleanliness. Understanding the nuances of each type can help homeowners and professionals make informed decisions, ensuring that the chosen expansion tank aligns with the system’s needs and contributes to its efficient operation. 

Whether it’s for a water heater tank, a glycol system tank, or a hydronic heating system, the right expansion tank plays a pivotal role in system performance and longevity.


A plumber installing an expansion tank for a house heating system.
Photo from iStock – Credit: ronstik

Installation of an Expansion Tank

Installing an expansion tank is a critical process that requires attention to detail and adherence to specific steps to ensure the system’s integrity and functionality. 

Here’s a detailed guide on how to install an expansion tank:

Step-by-Step Guide

Turn off the Water Supply

The first step in the installation process is to ensure safety and prevent water spillage. Turn off the main water supply to your house and cut the power to your heating system or water heater. This prevents water from flowing while you’re working and reduces the risk of any electrical issues.

Select the Installation Point

Choosing the right location for your expansion tank is crucial. It should be installed on the cold water supply line, ideally near the water heater or heating system. 

This placement allows the tank to efficiently manage the pressure caused by thermal expansion. Ensure the selected point is accessible for future maintenance or inspection.

Mount the Tank

Using a mounting bracket, secure the expansion tank in place. It’s generally recommended to install the tank vertically with the connection point at the bottom. This orientation allows the tank to function effectively, preventing issues like waterlogging or undue stress on the connection points.

Connect the Tank

Now, connect the expansion tank to the plumbing system. Use appropriate fittings to ensure a secure and stable connection. 

Apply Teflon tape or pipe dope to the threads to create a seal that prevents leaks. Ensure the connections are tight but avoid over-tightening, which can cause thread damage or make future disconnections challenging.

Check the Air Pressure

Before the tank is fully integrated into your system, check its air pressure. The tank’s pre-charge pressure should match your system’s water pressure. If necessary, adjust the pressure using an air pump and a pressure gauge. This step is crucial for the tank’s functionality, ensuring it can properly absorb excess pressure.

Fill the System

Once the tank is installed and the pressure is adjusted, turn the water supply back on. Watch for any leaks at the connection points. If there are no leaks, allow the system to fill and observe the tank’s operation. It should respond to the system’s pressure changes, indicating a successful installation.

Final Inspection

After the system is filled, conduct a final inspection to ensure everything is functioning as expected. Check the pressure readings and observe the tank for any immediate signs of malfunction. 

A correctly installed expansion tank will maintain a stable system pressure, enhancing the efficiency and longevity of your plumbing system.

By following these detailed steps, homeowners or professionals can successfully install an expansion tank, ensuring it provides the necessary protection against the pressures of thermal expansion in the plumbing system.


Importance in Your Plumbing System

Mitigating Pressure Damage Risks

An expansion tank is more than just an accessory in your plumbing system; it’s a fundamental component that safeguards against the detrimental effects of unchecked thermal expansion. 

Without an expansion tank, the extra volume of water generated as it heats up has nowhere to go. This can lead to an increase in pressure within your system, a scenario that can strain pipes, joints, and fixtures, potentially causing them to fail.

Preventing Costly Repairs

The consequences of not having an expansion tank can be severe, leading to leaks or, in worst-case scenarios, burst pipes. Such incidents not only necessitate immediate and often costly repairs but can also cause water damage to your home. 

By integrating an expansion tank into your system, you’re investing in a preventive measure that can save considerable expense and inconvenience in the long run.

Enhancing System Efficiency

An expansion tank contributes to the overall efficiency of your plumbing system. It ensures that the pressure within your system remains within a safe and optimal range, thereby enhancing the performance of your water heater and other system components. 

This not only extends the lifespan of these elements but also ensures that your system operates efficiently, which can contribute to energy savings.

Ensuring Consistent Water Pressure

For homeowners, one of the noticeable benefits of an expansion tank is the maintenance of consistent water pressure. 

Without the fluctuations caused by thermal expansion, water fixtures deliver a steady flow, enhancing the overall user experience. This consistency is crucial in systems involving pressure-sensitive appliances or in regions where water pressure is already a concern.

Essential for Code Compliance

In many areas, local building codes require the installation of expansion tanks in new plumbing installations or when upgrading water heaters. This is a testament to the recognized importance of these tanks in ensuring the safety and longevity of plumbing systems. 

Compliance with these regulations not only ensures the integrity of your plumbing but also maintains the validity of your home insurance and property value.

Protecting Against Thermal Expansion

Ultimately, the expansion tank’s role is to provide a failsafe against the natural phenomenon of thermal expansion. 

By accommodating the expanded water, the tank prevents this physical process from translating into potentially damaging pressure increases within your system. 

Whether you’re dealing with a water heater tank, a boiler expansion tank, or a closed-loop heating system, an expansion tank is an indispensable component that plays a critical role in maintaining the system’s integrity and reliability.


Choosing the Right Expansion Tank

Understanding Your System’s Needs

Choosing the appropriate expansion tank is pivotal for the efficiency and longevity of your plumbing system. It starts with a thorough understanding of your system’s specifications and requirements. 

This means considering the capacity of your water heater or boiler, the characteristics of your heating system, and the overall water usage in your property. It’s not just about picking any expansion tank; it’s about finding the one that aligns perfectly with the unique dynamics of your system.

Capacity Considerations

One of the primary factors to consider is the capacity of your water heater or the boiler expansion tank. The expansion tank must be able to handle the volume of water in your system and accommodate the corresponding thermal expansion. 

If the tank is too small, it won’t adequately protect your system from pressure build-up. Conversely, a tank that’s too large may not operate as efficiently, potentially leading to its own set of issues.

Matching Tank to System Pressure

The pressure settings of your expansion tank should be compatible with those of your plumbing system. This includes the pressure relief valve settings and the normal operating pressure of your system. 

An incorrect match can lead to premature wear of the expansion tank or even failure, posing a risk to the overall system.

Importance of Expansion Tank Sizing

Proper sizing of the expansion tank is crucial. This involves calculations based on the volume of water in your system and the thermal expansion coefficient. 

Professionals often use specific formulas or software to determine the ideal size of the expansion tank, ensuring it is neither under nor oversized.

Professional Guidance

Given the technicalities involved in choosing the right expansion tank, consulting with a professional can be invaluable. They can assess your system’s requirements, taking into account factors like tank capacity, pressure settings, and the specific needs of your HVAC system or hydronic heating system. 

Their expertise ensures that you select a tank that not only fits your system’s needs but also complies with local regulations and standards, providing peace of mind that your plumbing system is safeguarded against the pressures of thermal expansion.


Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Regular Inspection and Maintenance

The longevity and efficiency of your expansion tank hinge on consistent maintenance. 

Regular inspections are crucial, allowing you to detect and address any potential issues before they escalate into significant problems. These check-ups should include verifying the tank’s pressure, ensuring it’s adequately charged, and conducting a thorough visual inspection for any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage.

Pressure Checks and Recharging

One of the key maintenance tasks is checking the air pressure in your expansion tank, which should align with the specifications for your particular system. 

If the pressure is too low or too high, it can impair the tank’s functionality, potentially leading to system failures. If necessary, the tank may need to be recharged to maintain optimal performance. This process, while straightforward for professionals, can be complex and requires an understanding of your system’s specific needs.

Identifying and Addressing Wear or Failure

Over time, expansion tanks can develop issues such as waterlogging or internal bladder ruptures, especially in bladder expansion tanks or diaphragm expansion tanks. 

Recognizing the symptoms of such problems is vital. For instance, if a tank becomes waterlogged, it may no longer properly absorb the expanded water, leading to increased system pressure and the risk of damage.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When issues arise, troubleshooting becomes an essential skill. Understanding common failure symptoms, such as fluctuations in system pressure or visible leaks from the tank, can help identify the problem. 

For more complex systems, such as those involving a hydronic heating system or a boiler expansion tank, professional diagnostics might be necessary to pinpoint and resolve the issue.

Professional Assistance and Consultation

While some maintenance and troubleshooting tasks can be performed by knowledgeable homeowners, others require professional expertise. 

This is particularly true for systems with components like a pressure relief valve, a glycol system tank, or a radiant heat system tank. Professionals can provide comprehensive assessments, ensuring that all components, including the expansion tank, are functioning as intended and meet all relevant safety standards.

Keeping Documentation and Records

Maintaining a record of all inspections, maintenance, and repairs conducted on your expansion tank can be incredibly beneficial. This documentation can help track the tank’s history, identify recurring issues, and ensure that maintenance is performed at appropriate intervals. It also serves as valuable information when consulting with professionals or if warranty issues arise.

Regular maintenance and adept troubleshooting are pivotal for the longevity and functionality of your expansion tank. 

By adhering to a consistent maintenance schedule and seeking professional guidance when necessary, you can ensure that your expansion tank continues to serve its crucial role in your plumbing system, safeguarding against the potential perils of unchecked thermal expansion.


Common Issues with Expansion Tanks

Expansion tanks are vital for maintaining the pressure balance in plumbing systems, but they can encounter several common issues. 

Understanding these problems can help in early identification and resolution, ensuring the longevity and efficiency of the expansion tank and the system it serves.


Waterlogging is one of the most prevalent issues with expansion tanks, particularly in diaphragm and bladder types.

Causes and Implications

This issue arises when the air charge in the expansion tank is lost, which can happen due to a rupture in the diaphragm or bladder, allowing water to fill the entire tank. 

Consequently, the tank loses its compressibility, rendering it incapable of absorbing excess pressure. This failure can lead to increased system pressure and, in severe cases, damage to the plumbing fixtures and water heater.

Detection and Resolution

Detecting waterlogging involves checking if the tank feels heavier than usual or if tapping on it doesn’t produce the expected hollow sound. Addressing waterlogging typically requires replacing the tank, as the internal bladder or diaphragm cannot usually be repaired.


Corrosion is another significant challenge, particularly in metal expansion tanks or the metal parts of composite tanks.

Contributing Factors

Several factors contribute to corrosion, including improper installation, environmental conditions, and the quality of water in the system. Corrosion weakens the tank structure, potentially leading to leaks or complete failure.

Prevention and Management

To prevent corrosion, ensure proper installation and periodic inspections. If signs of corrosion are detected, assess the extent of the damage to determine if repair or replacement is the best course of action.

Improper Sizing

Selecting the correct size for an expansion tank is crucial for its effectiveness in a plumbing system.

Sizing Importance

An undersized tank won’t have sufficient capacity to handle the thermal expansion, leading to excess pressure and potential system damage. Conversely, an oversized tank can lead to inefficiencies in the system’s operation.

Correct Sizing Approach

Proper sizing involves calculations based on the system’s volume and the expected level of thermal expansion. Consulting with a professional or using specialized software can ensure accurate sizing, aligning the tank’s capacity with the system’s requirements.

Understanding these common issues and their implications can significantly enhance the maintenance and troubleshooting of expansion tanks. Regular inspections and timely interventions can mitigate these problems, ensuring that the expansion tank continues to perform its critical function in the plumbing system effectively.


Future Trends in Expansion Tank Technology

As technology progresses, so do the components that make up our home and industrial systems. 

Expansion tanks are no exception, with future trends focusing on enhancing their efficiency, durability, and integration with smart systems.

Innovative Materials

Enhanced Durability with New Alloys

The materials used in manufacturing expansion tanks are evolving. Traditional steel tanks are being supplemented or replaced by new alloys and composites that offer superior resistance to corrosion and wear. These innovative materials can withstand harsher conditions, reducing the risk of leaks and prolonging the tank’s lifespan.

Composites for Improved Efficiency

The introduction of advanced composites in expansion tank construction is a game-changer. These materials are not only lighter and more durable but also exhibit better thermal insulation properties. 

This improvement can significantly enhance the efficiency of pressure absorption and release, crucial for the optimal functioning of expansion tanks in heating and cooling systems.

Smart Monitoring Systems

Real-time Pressure Monitoring

The integration of smart sensors into expansion tanks represents a significant leap forward. These sensors can provide real-time data on the tank’s pressure levels, alerting homeowners or facility managers to changes that could indicate potential issues or the need for maintenance.

Predictive Maintenance and Alerts

Beyond just monitoring, these smart systems can analyze data over time to predict when maintenance is needed, moving beyond reactive approaches to a more predictive maintenance model. This can prevent downtime, avoid damage to the system, and save costs associated with emergency repairs.

Integration with Home Automation Systems

Expansion tanks equipped with smart technology can be integrated into broader home automation or building management systems. This integration allows for centralized control and monitoring, offering a holistic view of the system’s health and enabling more efficient management of heating and cooling systems.

The Impact of IoT

IoT-Enabled Tanks for Enhanced Connectivity

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making its way into expansion tank technology, allowing these tanks to communicate with other IoT-enabled devices. This connectivity can facilitate automated adjustments to the system based on real-time data, optimizing performance and energy efficiency.

Cloud-Based Data Analysis

With IoT connectivity, data from expansion tanks can be stored and analyzed in the cloud, providing insights into system performance and trends over time. This data can inform maintenance schedules, predict potential system issues, and even guide the development of more efficient expansion tanks in the future.

The future of expansion tank technology is bright, with advancements aimed at making these systems more durable, efficient, and integrated into the digital world. 

These innovations promise to enhance the functionality of expansion tanks, ensuring they continue to play a vital role in maintaining the balance and efficiency of our plumbing and heating systems.


Top 5 Best Practices for Expansion Tank Efficiency and Longevity

  • Proper Installation

    Importance of Correct Placement

    Ensuring that your expansion tank is installed correctly is paramount. The tank should be mounted on the cold water supply line, near the water heater or boiler, to effectively manage pressure changes due to thermal expansion. This optimal placement is crucial for the tank’s performance and the overall system’s efficiency.

    Risks of Improper Installation

    Improper installation can lead to premature failure of the expansion tank and inefficiency in the system. It can cause issues like increased pressure on the system, leading to potential leaks or damage to the plumbing infrastructure. Always ensure adherence to manufacturer guidelines and local building codes during installation.

  • Regular Maintenance Checks

    Importance of Inspections

    Regular maintenance checks are vital to prevent common issues like waterlogging and corrosion. These checks should include monitoring the tank’s pressure, checking for leaks, and inspecting for signs of wear or corrosion. Timely identification and resolution of these issues can significantly extend the tank’s lifespan.

    Proactive Maintenance Benefits

    Proactive maintenance ensures that the expansion tank functions correctly, maintaining the balance and efficiency of the entire plumbing system. It helps avoid unexpected breakdowns, which can lead to costly repairs and system downtime.

  • Correct Sizing

    Sizing Significance

    Selecting the right size for your expansion tank is crucial for its effectiveness. An undersized tank won’t adequately handle the system’s thermal expansion, while an oversized tank might not operate as efficiently, leading to energy wastage and potential system imbalance.

    Calculation for Sizing

    The size of the expansion tank should be calculated based on the system’s volume and the expected level of thermal expansion. This calculation ensures the tank can accommodate the expanded water without causing undue pressure on the system.

  • Addressing Waterlogging

    Detecting Waterlogging

    Waterlogging is a common issue where the tank loses its air charge, filling it with water instead. This situation compromises the tank’s ability to absorb excess pressure, potentially leading to system overpressure and damage.

    Resolution Strategies

    If you suspect waterlogging, it’s essential to seek a professional assessment. In many cases, the tank will need to be replaced to restore the system’s functionality and safety.

  • Understanding Types and Materials

    Variety of Tanks

    Knowing the differences between diaphragm and bladder expansion tanks is crucial for making informed decisions. Each type has its specific applications, advantages, and maintenance requirements.

    Material Considerations

    The materials from which the tanks are made also play a significant role in their suitability for various systems. For instance, certain materials are better suited for potable water systems, while others are preferred for heating systems.

    By adhering to these key strategies, you can ensure the efficient and prolonged operation of your expansion tank, contributing to the overall health and longevity of your plumbing or heating system.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott, AZ: Your Expansion Tank Experts

When it comes to maintaining the efficiency and reliability of your plumbing system, the role of an expansion tank cannot be overstated. 

Whether you’re dealing with a new installation, a replacement, or maintenance of an existing tank, having expert assistance is crucial. This is where Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott, AZ, shines as your trusted partner.


Comprehensive Expansion Tank Services

Installation and Replacement

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing offers top-notch installation services for expansion tanks. Whether it’s for a residential water heater or a commercial boiler system, their team ensures that each installation is performed meticulously, adhering to the highest standards.

Maintenance and Inspection

Regular maintenance is key to the longevity of your expansion tank. The professionals at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing conduct thorough inspections and maintenance, ensuring your tank is in optimal condition, thus safeguarding your plumbing system against pressure-related issues.

Troubleshooting and Repairs

Facing issues with your current expansion tank? The experts at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing are equipped to diagnose and resolve any problems, from waterlogging to pressure discrepancies, ensuring your system’s integrity is maintained.

Serving Multiple Locations

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing extends its services across various locations, ensuring that residents in Prescott, AZ, Prescott Valley, AZ, Sedona, AZ, and Flagstaff, AZ, have access to their expert services. Regardless of your location within these areas, you can count on their prompt and reliable service for all your expansion tank needs.


Why Choose Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott, AZ
Photo from iStock – Credit: Palto

Why Choose Benjamin Franklin Plumbing?

  • Expertise: With a team of skilled professionals, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to every task.
  • Customer Satisfaction: They prioritize customer satisfaction, offering personalized solutions to meet your specific plumbing needs.
  • Reliability: Known for their punctuality and reliability, they ensure that your plumbing issues are addressed in a timely and efficient manner.


If you’re in Prescott or the surrounding areas and need expert services for your expansion tank, don’t hesitate to contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing. 

Give them a call at 928-235-4913 to schedule a consultation or service. Their team is ready to assist you with all your expansion tank requirements, ensuring your plumbing system functions flawlessly and efficiently.


FAQ concept. A women ask questions and receive answers, cartoon style. FAQs for Expansion Tanks with Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Prescott, AZ
Photo from iStock – Credit: Svetlana Larshina

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How often should an expansion tank be replaced?

    Expansion tanks should be checked regularly for functionality and typically last between 5 to 10 years, depending on the system and water quality.

  1. Can I install an expansion tank by myself?

    While it’s possible to install an expansion tank as a DIY project, it’s recommended to have a professional do it to ensure it’s done correctly and safely.

  1. How do I know if my expansion tank is failing?

    Signs of a failing expansion tank include visible leaks, a noticeable change in system pressure, or the tank being unusually heavy (indicating waterlogging).

  1. Is an expansion tank necessary for all water heaters?

    While not all systems may require an expansion tank, they are crucial for closed systems where there’s no open outlet for excess pressure.

  1. Can an expansion tank improve my water pressure?

    While an expansion tank doesn’t directly increase water pressure, it helps maintain consistent pressure by accommodating thermal expansion.

    Are you confident that your expansion tank is in top-notch condition, safeguarding your home against the pressures of thermal expansion?

    If you’re unsure or think it’s time for a check-up, why not reach out to the experts at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Prescott, AZ, for a comprehensive assessment?