Grease Interceptor Essentials: A Homeowner’s Guide to Peace of Mind











Have you ever wondered how your home manages to stay free of plumbing disasters, especially from grease build-up? 

Grease interceptors play a pivotal role in this, yet they often go unnoticed.

In this article, we delve deep into the world of Grease Interceptors. You’ll learn what they are, how they function, and why they’re indispensable for homeowners like you. We’ll also explore the best practices for maintenance and the common pitfalls to avoid. 

Whether you’re a new homeowner or looking to upgrade your knowledge, this guide has everything you need to ensure a smooth-running home.

What is a Grease Interceptor?

A Grease Interceptor, often referred to as a grease trap, is a critical device installed in plumbing systems, primarily designed to prevent fats, oils, and grease (commonly known by the acronym FOG) from entering and clogging sewage lines. 

This device is particularly vital in homes or establishments where the disposal of grease waste is frequent and substantial. 

The primary function of a Grease Interceptor is to act as a barrier, capturing grease and other similar substances before they have a chance to enter your sewer system.

The importance of a Grease Interceptor in maintaining a healthy plumbing system cannot be overstated. 

When fats, oils, and grease are washed down the sink, they are in a warm, liquid form. However, as they cool down, they solidify and can adhere to the inner walls of your plumbing pipes. 

Over time, this build-up restricts water flow and can lead to severe blockages, causing backups and potentially expensive plumbing emergencies. 

By installing a grease intercepting gadget, you’re not just protecting your home’s plumbing; you’re also contributing to the wider environmental effort of keeping the public sewer systems clear and functional.

Moreover, the use of a Grease Interceptor aligns with environmental best practices. When FOG is allowed to enter the sewage system, it can lead to significant issues at wastewater treatment facilities, including interference with the biological processes used to treat sewage. 

By trapping grease at the source, Grease Interceptors play a crucial role in ensuring that our water treatment infrastructure operates efficiently.

There are different types of Grease Interceptors, such as traditional concrete interceptors and more modern hydromechanical grease interceptors. 

The choice between these types depends on various factors, including the amount of grease waste produced, the available space for installation, and local regulations. 

Regardless of the type, regular maintenance and cleaning of the Grease Interceptor are essential to ensure its effectiveness. A poorly maintained interceptor can become a source of foul odors and may fail to prevent grease from entering the sewer system, defeating its purpose.

A Grease Interceptor is an indispensable tool in the fight against grease-related plumbing issues. 

Its role in protecting both your home’s plumbing integrity and the broader environmental impact of grease disposal makes it a wise investment for any homeowner, particularly those in areas with high grease waste production.

Understanding the Functioning of Grease Interceptors

How Do Grease Interceptors Work?

Grease Interceptors, including hydromechanical grease intercepting gadgets, are ingeniously designed devices that play a crucial role in modern plumbing systems. 

Their primary function is to prevent fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from entering and clogging sewer lines. Understanding how these devices work can help you appreciate their importance in maintaining a healthy plumbing system.

The Mechanism of Grease Separation

The core mechanism of a Grease Interceptor involves a series of baffles or mechanical filters. These components are strategically placed within the interceptor to effectively separate grease from wastewater. 

As the wastewater containing FOG enters the interceptor, it is forced to slow down and cool. This cooling process is vital as it allows the grease, which is less dense than water, to separate and rise to the surface.

Trapping and Collecting Grease

Once the grease rises, it is trapped and collected at the top of the interceptor. This trapping is facilitated by the design of the baffles, which create a barrier preventing the grease from flowing out with the water. 

The collected grease remains in the interceptor until it is manually removed during regular maintenance. 

This process is crucial in preventing the grease from reaching the sewer system, where it can solidify and cause blockages.

The Flow of Clean Water

After the grease is separated and trapped, the remaining water, now significantly cleaner, continues its journey. 

It flows out of the grease intercepting gadget and into the sewer system. This cleaner water is less likely to cause issues in the plumbing system, as the primary cause of blockages – FOG – has been effectively removed.

Importance of Regular Maintenance

For Grease Interceptors, including hydro mechanical models, to function effectively, regular maintenance is essential. 

This maintenance involves removing the accumulated grease from the interceptor. If not cleaned regularly, the device can become less efficient, leading to grease passing through into the sewer system, defeating its purpose.

The working of grease intercepting gadgets is a fine example of a simple yet effective mechanical process. 

By understanding and maintaining these devices properly, homeowners and businesses can significantly reduce the risk of plumbing issues related to grease build-up, ensuring a smoother, more efficient sewer system operation.

grease trap inside building grese interceptor prescott az prescott valley az
Photo By Titikul_B at Shutterstock


Exploring the Different Types of Grease Interceptors

Types of Grease Interceptors

In the realm of plumbing and wastewater management, grease intercepting gadgets play a pivotal role. They come in various types, each designed to cater to specific needs and situations. 

Understanding the different types of grease intercepting gadgets, including traditional concrete interceptors and modern hydromechanical grease interceptors, is crucial for making an informed decision about which is best suited for your needs.

Traditional Concrete Interceptors

Concrete Grease Interceptors have been the standard choice for many years. These are large, in-ground units typically installed outside the building. 

They are known for their durability and high capacity, making them suitable for commercial establishments or residential areas with significant grease waste.


High Capacity: Ideal for handling large volumes of grease.

Durability: Concrete interceptors are robust and have a long lifespan.


Commercial Kitchens: Restaurants and other food service establishments.

Large Residential Complexes: Where the volume of grease waste is substantial.

Modern Hydromechanical Grease Interceptors

Hydromechanical Grease Interceptors represent a more modern and technologically advanced option. 

These are usually smaller and more compact than their concrete counterparts, making them suitable for installation indoors or in places with limited space.


Compact Design: Ideal for tight spaces and indoor installation.

Efficient Operation: They often provide more efficient grease separation due to advanced design.


Small to Medium-Sized Kitchens: Both in residential and commercial settings.

Areas with Space Constraints: Where large concrete interceptors cannot be accommodated.

Gravity Grease Interceptors

Gravity Grease Interceptors, another variant, operate on the simple principle of gravity. They allow wastewater to cool, causing the grease to separate and float to the top naturally.


Simplicity: Easy to understand and operate.

Low Maintenance: Requires less frequent cleaning compared to other types.


Small Restaurants and Cafes: Where grease volume is moderate.

Residential Homes: Particularly those with moderate cooking activities.

Choosing the Right Type

Selecting the right type of Grease Interceptor depends on several factors, including the amount of grease your establishment or home produces, the available space for installation, and local regulations. 

It’s essential to consider these factors to ensure efficient grease management and avoid plumbing issues related to grease build-up.

Whether it’s a traditional concrete interceptor, a modern hydromechanical grease intercepting gadget, or a gravity model, each type of grease intercepting gadget offers unique benefits. 

Understanding these differences is key to choosing the most suitable system for your specific needs, ensuring effective grease management and contributing to the overall health of your plumbing system.

Optimal Installation and Placement of Grease Interceptors

Installation and Placement

The effectiveness of a Grease Interceptor, including hydromechanical grease interceptors, heavily relies on its proper installation and strategic placement. 

This section delves into the best practices for installing and positioning these devices to ensure maximum efficiency and ease of maintenance.

Key Considerations for Installation

Proper installation of a grease intercepting gadget is not just a recommendation; it’s a necessity. Incorrect installation can lead to inefficiencies, increased maintenance issues, and even environmental hazards.

1. Professional Installation

It’s highly recommended to have your grease intercepting gadget installed by a professional. This ensures that all local building codes and regulations are adhered to, and the device operates as intended.

2. Compliance with Regulations

Different regions have specific regulations regarding the installation of grease intercepting gadgets. It’s crucial to be aware of and comply with these regulations to avoid legal issues and fines.

Ideal Placement for Maximum Efficiency

The placement of a grease intercepting gadget is as crucial as its installation. The goal is to position it in a way that it effectively traps FOG without causing disruptions to your daily activities.

1. Proximity to the Source of FOG

Ideally, grease intercepting gadgets should be installed as close as possible to the source of FOG, which is typically the kitchen area. This proximity ensures that grease is intercepted before it travels too far in the plumbing system.

2. Accessibility for Maintenance:

Regular maintenance is vital for the proper functioning of grease intercepting gadgets. Therefore, they should be placed in an area that is easily accessible for cleaning and inspections. This consideration is crucial for both traditional concrete interceptors and hydromechanical models.

Factors Influencing Placement

Several factors can influence where a grease intercepting gadget is installed:

1. Space Availability

The available space, especially in urban settings, can dictate the type and placement of the interceptor. Compact hydromechanical models are often preferred in space-constrained environments.

2. Plumbing Configuration

The existing plumbing layout may affect where the interceptor can be feasibly installed. It’s important to consult with a plumbing professional to determine the most effective location.

3. Type of Establishment

Commercial establishments like restaurants might require larger, more robust interceptors compared to residential homes. This factor influences both the type and placement of the interceptor.

The installation and placement of grease intercepting gadgets, whether traditional or hydromechanical, are critical to their performance. 

By ensuring proper installation and strategic placement, you can significantly enhance the efficiency of your grease management system, thereby protecting your plumbing infrastructure and contributing to environmental conservation.

the word tips on a sticky note grease interceptors prescott az prescott valley az
Photo By chrupka at Shutterstock


Essential Maintenance Tips for Grease Interceptors

Maintenance Tips

Regular cleaning and maintenance of grease intercepting gadgets, including hydromechanical grease intercepting gadgets, are crucial for their efficient operation. 

Proper maintenance not only prevents the build-up of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) but also ensures the longevity and effectiveness of the interceptor. Here are some key maintenance tips to keep your grease intercepting gadget in top condition.

Routine Cleaning

Regular cleaning is the most important aspect of maintaining a Grease Interceptor. Over time, FOG accumulates in the interceptor and can lead to clogs and inefficiencies if not removed.

1. Frequency of Cleaning

The cleaning frequency depends on the amount of grease your household or business produces. Typically, it’s recommended to clean the interceptor every 1-3 months.

In high-use commercial settings, more frequent cleaning may be necessary.

2. Professional Cleaning Services

While smaller interceptors can sometimes be cleaned by the users, larger systems, especially in commercial settings, often require professional cleaning services.

Professionals have the necessary equipment and expertise to thoroughly clean and inspect the interceptor.

Regular Inspections

In addition to cleaning, regular inspections are vital to ensure the interceptor is functioning correctly.

1. Checking for Damage

Regularly inspect for any signs of damage or wear, such as cracks or leaks, particularly in concrete interceptors.

Any damage should be addressed immediately to prevent malfunction.

2. Monitoring Performance

Keep an eye on the performance of your interceptor. Signs of poor performance include slow drainage or unpleasant odors, indicating a need for maintenance or potential issues.

Best Practices for Grease Management

Effective grease management extends beyond the interceptor itself. Implementing best practices in your daily activities can significantly reduce the load on your interceptor.

1. Minimize Grease Disposal

Avoid pouring oils and grease down the drain. Instead, dispose of them properly in the trash.

Use strainers in sink drains to catch food scraps and other solids.

2. Educate Household Members or Staff

Ensure that everyone who uses the kitchen understands the importance of minimizing grease disposal down the drains.

In commercial settings, staff training on proper grease management is crucial.

Record Keeping

Maintaining a log of cleaning and maintenance activities can be beneficial, especially for commercial establishments.

1. Documentation

Keep records of all cleaning and maintenance activities. This documentation can be useful for regulatory compliance and tracking the interceptor’s performance over time.

Regular cleaning, routine inspections, practicing good grease management, and keeping detailed records are essential components of maintaining Grease Interceptors. 

Whether you have a traditional concrete interceptor or a modern hydromechanical model, these maintenance tips will help ensure your system operates efficiently and effectively, preventing plumbing issues and contributing to a healthier environment.

Identifying and Resolving Common Issues with Grease Interceptors

Common Issues and Solutions

Grease Interceptors, including hydromechanical grease interceptors, are vital in preventing fats, oils, and grease (FOG) from clogging your plumbing system. 

However, like any system, they can encounter issues. Being aware of common problems and knowing how to address them is key to maintaining a functional and efficient interceptor.

Slow Drainage

One of the most noticeable signs of a problem with a grease intercepting gadget is slow drainage. This issue often indicates that the interceptor is full or clogged.


Regular Cleaning: Ensure your grease intercepting gadget is cleaned at regular intervals to prevent FOG build-up.

Professional Inspection: If regular cleaning doesn’t resolve the issue, it might be time for a professional inspection to identify and rectify any deeper issues.

Bad Odors

Foul odors emanating from the area around your grease intercepting gadget can be a sign of overfilling or other issues.


Check for Overfilling: Regularly monitor the level of grease accumulation and clean the interceptor before it reaches capacity.

Seal Inspection: Ensure that all seals and lids are intact and properly fitted to prevent odors from escaping.

Grease Leakage

Leakage of grease from the interceptor into the sewer system defeats its purpose and can lead to significant plumbing issues.


Capacity Management: Avoid overfilling the interceptor. Adhere to recommended cleaning schedules based on your usage.

System Upgrade: If frequent overflows occur, consider upgrading to a larger or more efficient model, such as a hydromechanical grease intercepting gadget.

Inefficient Grease Separation

Sometimes, a Grease Interceptor may not separate grease from wastewater as efficiently as it should, leading to grease entering the sewer lines.


Regular Maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent most efficiency issues.

Component Check: Ensure all components, especially in hydromechanical models, are functioning correctly and replace any worn-out parts.


Clogs within the interceptor itself can lead to a range of issues, including slow drainage and bad odors.


Regular Cleaning: Regularly remove accumulated grease and debris to prevent clogging.

Professional Assistance: For persistent clogging issues, seek professional help to thoroughly clean and inspect the interceptor.

Common issues with Grease Interceptors such as slow drainage, bad odors, grease leakage, inefficient grease separation, and clogging can often be resolved with regular cleaning, proper maintenance, and timely professional assistance. 

Being proactive in the care of your grease intercepting gadget, whether it’s a traditional or a hydromechanical model, is crucial in ensuring its effective operation and the longevity of your plumbing system.

The Importance of Grease Interceptors in Home Plumbing

The Importance in Home Plumbing

Grease Interceptors, including hydromechanical grease intercepting gadget, play a crucial role in maintaining the health and efficiency of home plumbing systems. 

Understanding their importance is key to preventing plumbing issues and ensuring a smoothly functioning household.

Preventing Pipe Blockages

One of the primary roles of a grease intercepting gadget is to prevent blockages in home plumbing systems.

Key Points:

Trapping Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG): Grease Interceptors effectively trap FOG before they enter the plumbing system, preventing them from solidifying and causing blockages.

Protecting Pipes: By capturing these substances, interceptors protect the internal pipes from clogs and potential damage.

Environmental Protection

Grease Interceptors also play a significant role in environmental protection.

Environmental Benefits:

Preventing Sewer Overflows: By stopping grease from entering the sewer system, interceptors help prevent overflows and spills that can harm the environment.

Aiding Wastewater Treatment: They make the process of wastewater treatment more efficient by reducing the amount of grease that treatment plants have to handle.

Cost Savings and Efficiency

The use of grease intercepting gadget in home plumbing leads to cost savings and increased efficiency.

Economic Advantages:

Reducing Plumbing Expenses: Regular maintenance of interceptors can prevent costly plumbing emergencies caused by grease blockages.

Long-Term Savings: Investing in a good quality grease intercepting gadget and maintaining it can save homeowners significant money over time.

Health and Safety

Grease intercepting gadgets contribute to the overall health and safety of the household.

Health Considerations

Preventing Backups: By stopping blockages, interceptors prevent sewage backups, which can pose health risks.

Maintaining Hygiene: A well-maintained interceptor ensures a hygienic and odor-free kitchen environment.

Enhancing Property Value

A well-maintained grease intercepting gadget can also enhance the value of your property.

Property Value:

Attractive to Prospective Buyers: Homes with efficient and well-maintained plumbing systems, including grease interceptors, are more attractive to potential buyers.

Compliance with Regulations: Ensuring your home complies with local plumbing regulations can increase its market value.

The importance of grease intercepting gadgets in home plumbing cannot be overstated. They play a vital role in preventing blockages, protecting the environment, saving costs, ensuring health and safety, and even enhancing property value. 

Whether you opt for a traditional or a hydromechanical grease intercepting gadget, understanding its significance and ensuring its proper maintenance is key to a trouble-free and efficient home plumbing system.

Here’s everything else you need to know about keeping your home’s plumbing in top shape.

the word cost on a torn piece of red paper grease interceptor prescott az prescott valley az

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The Cost Factor: Investment and Savings in Grease Interceptors

The Cost Factor: Investment and Savings

Investing in a Grease Interceptor, including hydromechanical grease interceptors, is a crucial decision for homeowners and businesses alike. 

Understanding the cost implications and potential savings associated with these systems is essential for making an informed investment.

Initial Investment in Grease Interceptors

The upfront cost of purchasing and installing a grease intercepting gadget is an important consideration.

Factors Influencing Cost:

Type of Interceptor: The cost can vary significantly between traditional concrete interceptors and modern hydro mechanical models.

Size and Capacity: Larger interceptors, necessary for high grease volume, tend to be more expensive.

Installation Complexity: The cost may increase if the installation process is complex due to the location or plumbing system configuration.

Long-Term Savings

While the initial investment might seem substantial, grease intercepting gadgets offer significant long-term savings.

Areas of Savings

Reduced Plumbing Repairs: By preventing grease blockages, interceptors save money on costly plumbing repairs and emergency call-outs.

Efficiency in Maintenance: Modern interceptors, especially hydro mechanical models, are designed for efficient operation and easier maintenance, leading to cost savings over time.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Conducting a cost-benefit analysis can help in understanding the financial advantages of installing a grease intercepting gadget.


Longevity of the System: Durable systems like concrete interceptors may have higher upfront costs but offer longer service life, reducing the need for replacements.

Operational Efficiency: Evaluate how the efficiency of a particular model can lead to reduced maintenance costs.

Comparing Different Models

Comparing the costs and benefits of different types of grease intercepting gadgets is crucial in making a cost-effective choice.

Comparison Points

Initial vs. Ongoing Costs: Balance the initial investment against the expected ongoing maintenance and operation costs.

Performance vs. Price: Higher-priced models might offer better performance and efficiency, leading to greater savings in the long run.

The Value of Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice can help in choosing the most cost-effective grease intercepting gadget.

Professional Input

Expert Recommendations: Professionals can recommend the best type and size of interceptor based on your specific needs.

Installation and Maintenance Costs: They can provide accurate estimates for installation and future maintenance, aiding in financial planning.

While the initial investment in a grease intercepting gadget, such as a hydromechanical grease interceptor, may seem significant, the long-term savings in terms of reduced plumbing issues and maintenance costs are substantial. 

Conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis and comparing different models are essential steps in making a financially sound decision. Additionally, consulting with professionals can provide valuable insights into the most cost-effective options tailored to your specific requirements.

Top 5 Tips and Strategies for Effective Grease Interceptor Maintenance

Maintaining your grease intercepting gadget, including hydromechanical grease intercepting gadgets, is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system. 

Here are the top five tips and strategies to ensure your Grease Interceptor remains in optimal condition.

1. Regular Cleaning

One of the most important aspects of maintaining a grease intercepting gadget is ensuring it is cleaned regularly. 

This is essential to prevent overflow and blockages caused by the accumulation of fats, oils, and grease (FOG).

Key Actions

Schedule Regular Cleanings: Depending on the amount of grease your household or business produces, schedule cleanings every one to three months.

Monitor Grease Levels: Keep an eye on the grease level in the interceptor and clean it before it reaches capacity to prevent overflows.

2. Professional Inspections

Annual inspections by a professional are vital to catch any potential issues early and ensure your system is functioning correctly.


Early Problem Detection: Professionals can identify and rectify issues before they become major problems.

Expert Recommendations: They can provide advice on whether your current system is adequate or if an upgrade is necessary.

3. Proper Disposal of Grease

Proper grease disposal is key in reducing the load on your grease intercepting gadget and preventing plumbing issues.

Best Practices

Avoid Drains for Grease Disposal: Teach household members to dispose of grease in the trash rather than down the sink.

Use Grease Containers: Consider using containers to collect grease before disposing of it with regular waste.

4. Upgrade When Necessary

If you have an older Grease Interceptor model, upgrading to a more efficient system, such as a hydromechanical grease intercepting gadgets, can be beneficial.


Increased Efficiency: Newer models are often more efficient at separating and retaining grease.

Reduced Maintenance Needs: Modern interceptors may require less frequent cleaning.

5. Educate Household Members

Educating everyone in your home about the importance of grease management is crucial for the effective functioning of your grease intercepting gadget.

Education Tips

Explain the Impact: Make sure household members understand how improper grease disposal can affect the plumbing system.

Create Guidelines: Establish simple rules for grease disposal in the kitchen.

Regular cleaning, professional inspections, proper grease disposal, considering upgrades, and educating household members are key strategies for maintaining your grease intercepting gadget. 

Whether you have a traditional or a hydromechanical model, these tips will help ensure its longevity and efficiency, ultimately protecting your home’s plumbing system.

The Role of Grease Interceptors in Environmental Protection

The Role of Grease Interceptors in Environmental Protection

Grease Interceptors, including hydromechanical grease intercepting gadgets, play a significant role in environmental conservation. 

Their function extends beyond just maintaining plumbing systems; they are crucial in protecting the environment from the adverse effects of grease pollution.

Preventing Sewer Overflows

One of the primary environmental benefits of grease intercepting gadgets is their ability to prevent sewer overflows.

Impact on Sewer Systems:

FOG Blockages: Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) can cause significant blockages in sewer systems, leading to overflows.

Environmental Hazards: Sewer overflows can result in the release of untreated sewage into the environment, contaminating water bodies and harming wildlife.

Aiding Wastewater Treatment

Grease intercepting gadgets contribute to the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes.

Enhancing Treatment Efficiency:

Reducing Grease in Sewage: By trapping grease, interceptors reduce the amount of FOG entering wastewater treatment plants.

Improving Treatment Quality: This reduction in grease load allows treatment plants to operate more efficiently and produce cleaner effluent.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

The use of Grease Interceptors can indirectly contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of wastewater management.

Environmental Impact:

Energy Efficiency: Efficient wastewater treatment requires less energy, reducing the carbon footprint of treatment facilities.

Sustainable Practices: Implementing grease management solutions like interceptors is part of sustainable environmental practices.

Compliance with Environmental Regulations

Installing and properly maintaining grease intercepting gadgets helps in complying with environmental regulations.

Regulatory Compliance:

Local and Federal Regulations: Many regions have regulations in place to control FOG discharge into sewer systems.

Avoiding Penalties: Compliance with these regulations not only protects the environment but also helps avoid potential fines and legal issues.

Educating the Public

Part of the role of grease intercepting gadgets in environmental protection involves public education on the importance of grease management.

Awareness and Education

Community Involvement: Educating homeowners and businesses about the impact of grease on the environment encourages responsible practices.

Promoting Grease Recycling: Raising awareness about grease recycling options can further enhance environmental protection efforts.

Grease intercepting gadgets, especially hydro mechanical models, are more than just plumbing accessories; they are vital tools in environmental protection. 

Their role in preventing sewer overflows, aiding wastewater treatment, reducing carbon footprint, ensuring regulatory compliance, and promoting public education underscores their importance in sustainable environmental management. 

By understanding and valuing the environmental impact of grease intercepting gadgets, individuals and communities can contribute significantly to preserving our natural resources and promoting a healthier ecosystem.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott, AZ: Your Grease Interceptor Experts

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott, AZ and Grease Interceptors

In the Prescott, AZ area, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing stands out as a reliable and expert service provider for all your grease intercepting gadgets needs. This section highlights their services and how they can assist you in managing your grease intercepting gadget efficiently.

Expert Installation Services

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing offers professional installation services for grease intercepting gadgets, ensuring that your system is set up correctly from the start.

Why Choose Them for Installation:

Professional Expertise: Their team has extensive knowledge about various types of grease intercepting gadgets, including hydro mechanical models.

Customized Solutions: They provide solutions tailored to your specific needs, whether it’s for a residential home or a commercial establishment.

Maintenance and Repair Services

Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your grease intercepting gadget. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing provides top-notch maintenance and repair services.

Maintenance Services Include

Regular Cleaning: To prevent blockages and ensure your interceptor runs smoothly.

Inspections: Detailed checks to identify any potential issues early.

Repair Services

Quick Response: They offer prompt repair services to address any issues with your grease intercepting gadget.

Quality Workmanship: Their repairs are carried out with precision and quality, ensuring long-term solutions.

Serving a Wide Area

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing extends its services beyond Prescott, covering Prescott Valley, Sedona, and Flagstaff. 

This wide coverage ensures that a larger community has access to their expert services.

Areas of Service

Prescott: The heart of their service area, where they have built a strong reputation.

Prescott Valley, Sedona, and Flagstaff: Extending their expertise to these areas, they bring reliable Grease Interceptor services to a broader audience.

Customer Satisfaction and Reliability

What sets Benjamin Franklin Plumbing apart is their commitment to customer satisfaction and reliability.

Customer-Centric Approach

High Ratings: Check their reviews and ratings to see the positive feedback from satisfied customers.

Trustworthy Service: Known for their professionalism and punctuality, they are a trusted name in the community.

For any grease intercepting gadgets related services, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is just a call away.

Need Assistance?

Contact Number: Call # 928-235-4913 for reliable and expert service.

Responsive Service: They are known for their quick response and efficient service delivery.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Prescott, AZ, is your go-to service provider for all things related to grease intercepting gadgets. 

From installation to maintenance and repairs, their team of experts ensures your system functions optimally, serving not just Prescott but also the surrounding areas.


Understanding and maintaining your Grease Interceptor, whether it’s a traditional concrete model or a modern hydromechanical grease intercepting gadget, is essential for the health and efficiency of your home or business’s plumbing system. 

Regular cleaning, timely professional inspections, and proper installation and placement are crucial steps in ensuring that your grease intercepting gadgets functions optimally. 

Educating household members or staff about the importance of proper grease disposal and considering upgrades when necessary can significantly reduce the risk of plumbing issues.

For residents and businesses in Prescott, AZ, and surrounding areas, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing offers a reliable and expert solution for all grease intercepting gadgets needs. 

Their commitment to professional installation, maintenance, and repair services, coupled with their dedication to customer satisfaction, makes them a trusted partner in managing your plumbing system effectively. 

Remember, taking proactive steps in maintaining your grease intercepting gadgets not only protects your plumbing but also contributes to a healthier, more sustainable environment. 

So, whether you’re installing a new system or maintaining an existing one, understanding its importance and giving it the attention it deserves will pay off in the long run.

young man with a question mark in front of his face grease interceptor prescott az prescott valley az
Photo By New Africa at Shutterstock



  1. What is the primary function of a Grease Interceptor?

A grease intercepting gadget is designed to trap and separate grease from wastewater, preventing clogs in your plumbing system.

  1. How often should a grease intercepting gadget be cleaned?

It’s recommended to clean your grease intercepting gadget every 1-3 months, depending on usage.

  1. Can I install grease intercepting gadgets myself?

While it’s possible, professional installation is advised to ensure it functions correctly.

  1. What are the signs of a full grease intercepting gadget?

Slow drainage and unpleasant odors can indicate that your grease intercepting gadgets needs cleaning.

  1. Are grease intercepting gadgets environmentally friendly?

Yes, they prevent harmful grease from entering and damaging the sewage system.

  1. What’s the difference between a grease trap and a grease intercepting gadget?

Grease traps are smaller and often used in residential settings, while interceptors are larger and suited for commercial use.

  1. How long does a grease intercepting gadget last?

With proper maintenance, they can last several years.

  1. Can grease intercepting gadgets handle all types of grease?

They are designed to handle most types of kitchen grease and oil.

  1. What happens if I don’t have a grease intercepting gadget?

Without one, grease can accumulate in pipes, leading to blockages and costly repairs.

  1. Are there different sizes of grease intercepting gadgets?

Yes, they come in various sizes to accommodate different levels of grease waste.


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Dustin Hufsey